Congrats to Yossi Halpern for presenting his MSc seminar on “Nickel-Boron-based Electrodes for Electrochemical -Thermally-Activated Chemical (E-TAC) Water Splitting”.

Congrats to Yossi Halpern for presenting his MSc seminar on “Nickel-Boron-based Electrodes for Electrochemical -Thermally-Activated Chemical (E-TAC) Water Splitting”.
Avner Rothschild and the E-TAC team (Gideon Grader, Hen Dotan, Avigail Landman and other students and researchers) win the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Materials Chemistry Division Horizon Prize: Stephanie L Kwolek Award for the development of E-TAC water splitting
Matan Sananis joins the EMD group as an MSc student. Welcome, Matan!
Our article on the water photo-oxidation reaction mechanism was published in Energy & Environmental Science, reporting for the first time parallel reaction pathways with distinct surface intermediates.
Congrats to Anton Tsyganok for presenting his PhD seminar on “The water photo-oxidation reaction mechanism on bare and co-catalyst coated hematite photoanodes for solar water splitting”
Avner Rothschild was ranked by among the Top Materials Science Scientists (#44 in Israel and #8046 in the world).
Kan 11 Israeli television channel presented Avner Rothschild, Gideon Grader, Hen Dotan, Avigail Landman and H2Pro.
H2Pro laid the cornerstone of its first production facility, capable of producing 600MW/year of green hydrogen production systems.
Our article on the light-bias-dependent quantum efficiency of BiVO4 photoanodes for water photo-oxidation was published in the Journal of the Electrochemical Society.
Our article on localized electronic photo-excitations in hematite Fe2O3 was published in Physical Review B.