Principal Investigator
Prof. Avner Rothschild
L. Shirley Tark Chair in Science Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
email: +972-4-8294576
Address: De-Jour bldg., room 608
Senior Researchers
PhD Students
MSc Students
Past Visitors
Markus Schleuning
Doctoral student at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin
Dr. Paula Dias
Senior researcher at Porto University
Dr. Stafford Sheehan
CTO at Air Company
William Andres Gaviria Rojas
Graduate student at Northwestern University
Bong-Hoon Jang
Researcher at SK hynix
Dr. Ki Ro Yoon
Senior researcher at Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
Dr. Scott Warren
Associate professor at UNC Chapel Hill
Prof. Dr. Ludwig J. Gauckler
Professor emeritus at ETH Zürich
Dr. Doo-Young Youn
Postdoctoral fellow at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology